Dolphin Mold Removal


"Our focus is providing our clients with a comfortable and safe living environment where they are not concerned about their wellbeing at all time."

Knowledge of mold inspection

Mold inspection is key when determining the type of mold you have on your property, the extent to which the mold has spread, and how intense the mold’s exposure levels are. It can also provide insight into why certain factors are allowing the mold to flourish.
You can count on our experts to find a solution to your mold problem, assisting you with controlling dampness, condensation, and ventilation to prevent further growth. The ultimate goal of our work is to resolve all mold-related problems, improve indoor air, and create a dry indoor environment. Our specialists can provide you with solutions to prevent future mold growth with our assistance.

The first part of our mold inspection involves visually examining the premises for dampness or moisture intrusion using infrared and moisture detection equipment. Afterwards, we will conduct air or swab tests where necessary in order to collect samples, and we will then send those samples to a professional laboratory. We take samples to collect mold spores, and the lab will then determine and provide information regarding these spores. Our mold report is then prepared using the lab results as well as the opinion of the technician who was present at the location if the spore count indicates that there are a high number of them. Secondly, within the mold report, we detail the action plan that we feel will be required to eradicate any remaining mold.

Best Team Skill With Skill Certification

Team Work 98%
Professionalism 99%
Efficient Work 95%
We are certified

Servicing Areas In Florida

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